ABS and your EHR A Winning Combination

Information is critical to the practice of medicine. Allscripts Professional EHR delivers what physicians want and require to manage their practice and their patients. Allscripts Professional provides the physician the critical information through secure access anytime and and anywhere. ABS has the expert staff available to review notes and bill your claims accurately and quickly. Results ... fast cash flow!

Electronic Health Record
You’re in control of clinical information, with flexibility to match your work style and specialty. Professional EHR’s navigation mirrors a physician’s mindflow and makes documentation faster and easier. ABS staff have found the system to be easy to learn for physicians offices and support to be available to assist quickly.

Health Maintenance
Get straightforward information on a single-screen, including preventative reminders, and pending labs and procedures.

Lab and Procedure Orders
We take the burden out of the lab and procedure orders process. Develop disease-based procedure templates and handle orders in-house, or send them to external labs via the simple interface. Streamline order entry by leveraging a powerful search engine, Procedure IT, which simplifies lookup of otherwise complex CPT codes, in provider-friendly terms.

Medication Management
Be alerted to allergies and interaction warnings from the industry’s gold standard Medi-Span® drug database. Reduce refill turnaround time, and receive refill requests and pharmacy preferences from the Patient Portal.

Clinical Decision Support
Through support of content programs such as HEDIS and PQRS, leverage real-time, patient-specific alerts and notifications to ensure that providers have actionable information at their fingertips. Instant access to critical data and prospective notifications based on real-time documentation facilitate positive behavior changes at the point-of-care, improving patient outcomes. ABS can help with Meaningful Use and facilitate with the federal funds available to physicians.

Contact us today 410-266-1588